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The Maskeel El Dal organization wishes to express our gratitude and thanks to the following families that have opened their homes for our fundraisers over the years.

These fundraisers have been the engine that kept us going and we tremendously appreciate our hosts and volunteers efforts. We thank them for making all auctions beautiful and fun for all. A special thank you to Mrs. Frieda Harary who volunteered and ran all the fundraisers. May everyone be rewarded with only beracha and hatzlaha always.


Mr and Mrs. David Rudy (Dec. 2010)

Mr. and Mrs. David Hazan (Feb 2012)

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hazan (March 2013)

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sutton (Aug. 2014)

Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mizrachi (Feb. 2016)

Mr. and Mrs. Steven Cohen (July 2017)

Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Mizrahi (May 2019)


We wish to acknowledge the many Rabbis that took from their time and spoke at our auctions and we list them in order of appearance:


R’ Raymond Beyda

R' Eli Mansour

R’ Paysach Krohn

R’ Joey Mizrahi

R’ Meyer Yedid

R’ David Ozeri

R’ Ephraim Wachsman

R’ Shlomo Diamond

R’ Joey Haber

R’ David Ashear

Chinese Auction     May 14 / 2019                Hosted By:             Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Mizrahi

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