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The Kollel
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Hesed Fund
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Message From Our Rabbis
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Bet Hora'ah

The Maskeel El Dal Bet Hora’ah was established in the Spring of 2021. As is well known Hacham Baruch ZT”L was a one man arbitration and Bet Din. People turned to him to settle monetary disputes , family squabbles , marital issues , internal synagogue quarrels , and business partner issues.

It was well known that he was impartial , fair , and very successful in bringing settlements with his hochma and logic based on Torah laws. He was almost always successful and almost everybody listened to his advice , counsel , and rulings. People who felt they lost or were disappointed with the outcome often said later on that the Rabbi was right.


Unfortunately since Hacham Baruch ZT”L passed away in 2005 , the Community has seen many more disputes than ever before. We  have seen lawyers enriched and more importantly disputes have caused sinat hinam between parties as we have never seen. Therefore after many cases were presented to Hacham Yaacov Ben-Haim , Maskeel El Dal has begun to mediate and bring understanding between disputing parties. With the assistance of Rabbis , Dayanim , and even business lay leaders cases are brought to either counseling , binding arbitration , and when unfortunately needed , Gittin . Maskeel El Dal has done this out of necessity for the greater good to save our Community money and bring understanding between fellow members. We know how difficult the road and task before us can be , and the referee rarely gets credit , but we saw the need and hope and pray we can be successful in our attempts . Thus far we have solved some situations and hope we can continue in our Rabbi’s footsteps.


The Bet Hora’ah is located around the corner from Shaare Zion in a location rented by Maskeel El Dal for this purpose. Dr. Jacques Doueck and his family in a modest ceremony on Nov. 7 , 2021 dedicated the room in memory of his father Mr. Moshe Doueck A”H. Dr. Doueck spoke of the close connection both he and his father had with Hacham Baruch Zt”l and how his father was a man who always avoided mahloket and lashon hara while pursuing peace. It is our belief that the actions of the Dr. and his family will bring an aliya to Mr. Moshe Doueck’s neshama . May we always be from the sons of Aharon and follow in the footsteps of our Rabbi by loving peace ,chasing peace ,loving the people , and bringing them closer to the Almighty through our Torah.

Hesed Fund
Bet Hora'ah
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